Transgender student wins access to male bathroom in appeals court ruling

Gavin Grimm, a biological female identifying as male, has one another battle for trans activists in the bathroom wars. From NBC:

A U.S. appeals court on Wednesday ruled that a Virginia school board acted unlawfully in preventing a transgender student from using a bathroom at his high school that corresponded with his gender identity. The Richmond, Virginia-based 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled on a 2-1 vote that Gavin Grimm, now a college student, is protected under federal law that bars sex discrimination in education and the U.S. Constitution’s requirement that people be treated equally under the law.

Grimm’s lawsuit dates back to 2015. Grimm sued the Gloucester County School Board after officials at a local high school refused to allow him to use the boys’ restrooms. Assigned female at birth, Grimm identifies as male. Judge Henry Floyd, writing for the 4th Circuit, said the school board’s actions constituted “a special kind of discrimination against a child that he will no doubt carry with him for life.”

The appeals court upheld a 2019 lower court ruling in Grimm’s favor. Bathroom access has become a major issue in the battle over transgender rights, and Grimm’s suit has been the most prominent legal case on the subject. Grimm’s case was previously set to be argued in 2017 before the U.S. Supreme Court but was taken off the schedule after President Donald Trump’s administration rescinded guidance previously issued by the administration of President Barack Obama regarding bathroom access for transgender students.

Legally speaking, we probably lost the “bathroom wars” with Neil Gorsuch’s Bostock ruling. That said, teen girls have been pushing back at high schools across America, and some are even taking their schools to court. In all likelihood, however, the tide seems to be flowing in the trans direction—and another public institution is conforming almost totally to their will.

One thought on “Transgender student wins access to male bathroom in appeals court ruling

  1. myladyboydate says:

    Hi Jonathon,

    I often say that true and deep things have to come from the bottom. Students are our futur and i’m proud to see that they was a part of this decision.

    Regarding the Donald Trump’s administration decisions, there are still some stones on the way. But we are globally going to the right direction.

    Thanks for your post and sharing that info,


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