Non-binary children’s author says “parental rights really anger me” (& other stories)

A roundup of news and commentary from around the interwebs.


California Governor Gavin Newsom is fining schools that decline to include LGBT books in their libraries and passed a law mandating LGBTQ training for teachers. Increasingly, it is becoming impossible for parents in California to raise their children with Christian values without direct interference from the state.


This, from Reduxx, is relevant: “GERMANY: Pro-Prostitution Picture Book Offered To Children By Government Officials.” Why not? Sex work is work, as the feminists say. Just not work they’d want anyone they love to do.


LSN has a good roundup of video and reportage from the Million Man March for Children across Canada, which you can check out here. Very encouraging to see how many thousands of parents came out. It could be—I pray it is—a watershed moment for Canada politically.


From Compact Magazine on the ethnic cleansing of Christians going on in Azerbaijan: “The Second Armenian Genocide.”


From The Federalist: “Our Public School Put A Man With Fake Breasts In Our 10-Year-Old’s Classroom.”


This is why we need parental rights: “‘Parental rights really anger me,’ non-binary children’s book author pushes back against parents.


This is positively ghoulish: “Could newborns solve the kidney shortage crisis?”


The daughter of one of the “rescuers” facing possibly a decade in prison, 74-year-old Joan Andrews Bell, shares her reflection on her mother’s imprisonment: “Joan Bell Andrews’ daughter speaks out: ‘I was physically and emotionally crippled by’ FACE Act trial.”


More soon.

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