Culture Update: The Boy Scouts Get Trans-ed (& other stories)

A roundup of news and commentary from around the interwebs.


Andrew Walker explains why, twenty years on, same-sex “marriage” is still not right in World Opinions: “No, it’s still not right.”


This, by Mary Harrington, is excellent: “Under the Digital Eye of Sauron.” As a church-going married guy surrounded by many happily married church-going couples with kids, the “trad marriage” discourse on the internet looks utterly foreign to me. All of the wrong things are being obsessed over; very little of it has anything to do with the “lived experience” of actually having a good marriage within a subculture that promotes marriage. Most of what the Red Pill/Pearl Davis shtick presents is a sort of version of “Christian marriage” if the people married weren’t Christian.


This title speaks for itself: “Transgender Inmate Who Said He Was “No Threat” To Women Charged With Sexual Assault After Transfer To Women’s Prison.” Shocking that the thing we warned would happen and trans activists said wouldn’t happen, keeps happening.


Has secularization in the United States finally leveled off? Ryan Burge thinks that the rise of the “nones”—those who identify with no religious tradition—may finally have hit a ceiling: “The Nones Have Hit a Ceiling.”


This is incredibly grim and dystopian: “BC Government expropriates property from Catholic hospital to build a killing center.”


This is worth a read: “Why Smart People Believe Stupid Things.”


Ayaan Hirsi Ali explains why the election of Geert Wilders brings hope to the Netherlands.


I’ll bet you hadn’t heard this story:


From The Christian Post: “The Boy Scouts get trans-ed.”


More soon.

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