Trans extremists attacked a Canadian dad days after the Nashville shooting and cops don’t care

By Jonathon Van Maren

There are two simultaneous storylines unfolding right now. One storyline, promoted across the mainstream media and by progressive politicians, holds that the transgender movement — one of the most culturally powerful lobbies in the Western world — is under siege due to laws being passed in red states banning “sex changes” for children. The other, covered primarily by alternative and conservative media outlets, highlights the growing extremist violence perpetrated by transgender activists against those who disagree. 

The most horrifying and tragic of these incidents is, of course, the six murders perpetrated last week at Covenant Christian School by a young woman identifying as “transgender.” Three 9-year-olds and three adults were shot, but the response from the Biden administration and most major media outlets focused primarily on the impact of these murders on the transgender movement rather than on the Christian community. The week before, feminist activist Posie Parker was mobbed by transgender activists in Auckland, New Zealand. The press chose to focus primarily on Parker’s allegedly controversial views. 

On March 28, another episode of transgender violence occurred, this time in British Columbia, Canada. Chris Elston, an activist who works fulltime to expose the extremism of the transgender movement and the dangers of “sex changes” for children, was attacked by trans activists at Vancouver’s Grandview Park when he arrived to protest a “Trans Day of Visibility” event. According to Elston, he was attacked two times by several different activists. He was grabbed by the throat, thrown to the ground, and punched. He retreated when he noticed he was bleeding and asked for help from the police. 



“My neck is scraped, my nose is cut, and I have a bit of a bruise and tenderness on my right cheek bone from a punch during that second assault and my back is spasming,” Elston told the Canadian conservative outlet Rebel News.


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