A parent’s rage at the transgender industry (& other stories)

A roundup of news and commentary from around the interwebs.


According to PITT, California has become a sanctuary for sex change surgeons and gender ideologues: “As Goes California, So Goes The Nation: Gender Harm Will Not End Until It Ends In California.” Read the whole thing—it’s worth it:

As of September 20, 2023, 22 states have enacted bans on sex-change procedures for minors. (Those in red below have bans) This is incredible news but pardon me for being a Debbie Downer: the children in those 22 states are still not safe, because of California. California is now a transgender haven, luring children into its borders and protecting doctors from bans in other states, even if they break the law.

For some time, America has been dividing into two (or more) nations. It is hard to envision a future in which California opposes gender ideology.


This, from the same newsletter, is worth reading if you want to understand the helpless anger experienced by so many parents watching their children get “transitioned”: “I’ll Visit You in Prison.” An excerpt:

I’ll admit it. I’m angry. Sometimes I lay awake at night and fantasize about the possible ways retribution can be visited upon the doctor who did this to my daughter. Mind you, I won’t personally seek vengeance. I won’t break any laws. But would I object if a large piano fell on the doctor who told my mentally distressed 19-year-old daughter that she was trans because “she said she was”? No, I wouldn’t. Would I enjoy seeing the incarceration of this doctor who told me he was just following the WPATH Standards of Care when he stated her on testosterone, four months after they first met? Yes, I would. In fact, I would travel to any federal penitentiary anywhere in America to pay him a visit.  Do I want my pound of flesh? Oh yes, I do.

Read the whole thing. I’ve written a review of the book-length version of parent testimonies for First Things, if you’re interested. As a parent myself, I think this might be one of my worst nightmares.


Where did the transgender movement come from? That’s obviously a complicated question—but Christopher Rufo has a decent summary: “Inside the Transgender Empire.”


The Financial Times has another article on the grotesque practice of “egg-freezing” as an “employee benefit.” In short, corporations want to extract as much working time as possible from women, and thus persuade them to delay having children until it is very unlikely that they will be able to do so—even with new reproductive technologies, many of which are unethical.


From Jake Meador at Mere Orthodoxy, an interesting (albeit heavy) essay on how the American evangelical world has fractured in the wake of wokeness: “Anti-Wokeness and the Evangelical Fracturing.”


More marches in support of parental rights are happening across Canada, including in Winnipeg and Kelowna.


From The Hill: “Judge places temporary pause on Tennessee order banning drag performances in public.” Eventually, all of this is going to end up at the Supreme Court, which will determine whether any legislative pushback to the LGBT movement is possible.


More soon.

2 thoughts on “A parent’s rage at the transgender industry (& other stories)

  1. Navi says:

    “It is hard to envision a future in which California opposes gender ideology.”

    I wouldn’t be so sure about that. While California’s absurdity is hard to exaggerate, who would’ve guessed that Canada and Western Europe would start to push back on this stuff? Californians showed common sense in 2020 when they decisively rejected racial discrimination in university admissions (despite all of the heavyweight woke names endorsing it).

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