Culture Update: Will Ferrell, illegal abortions, and trans activists

A roundup of my latest short culture columns, for those interested:

Hollywood star Will Ferrell has become the latest mouthpiece for transgender propaganda

UK obstetrics college now advises healthcare staff not to report illegal abortions

Girls are being bullied and traumatized by AI deep-fake pornography

LGBT activists are scared New Brunswick’s premier will win on a parental rights platform

Transgender ideology has made children less safe from sex predators

Why boys are pulling tampon dispensers off the walls in men’s bathrooms

Hilarious video underscores how easy it could be to debunk transgender propaganda

Is the New York Times starting to back away from ‘sex changes’ for children?

More soon.

One thought on “Culture Update: Will Ferrell, illegal abortions, and trans activists

  1. Navi says:

    “ UK obstetrics college now advises healthcare staff not to report illegal abortions”

    For context, the only abortions that are illegal are those after 24 weeks when there’s nothing wrong with the baby (not even club foot). So they support a woman’s right to self-abort into the third trimester and throw the baby in a dumpster. The baby is sometimes born alive, but they’re clearly ok with that.

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