Men in girls’ bathrooms, IVF, and euthanizing the young (& other stories)

A roundup of news and commentary from around the interwebs.


A sobering analysis in the Financial Times. Is demographic decline—and the consequences that will surely follow—inevitable? That looks increasingly likely: “Why family-friendly policies don’t boost birth rates.”


As the trans movement faces losses in many Western countries, Democrat politicians double down: “Wisconsin governor vetoes ban on biological males in female sports.”


Euthanasia continues to become mainstream—among younger and younger people. This report from The Free Press is worth a read: “‘I’m 28. And I’m Scheduled to Die in May.’”


From the National Post: “Social workers are told to push progressive climate, gender politics — or else.” Stories like this highlight the fact that retaking institutions—if it is even possible—is an intergenerational fight. Gender ideology is embedded everywhere, and many of its adherents will not give up without a fight.


From Politico: “Melania Trump is back, set to hold event for Log Cabin Republicans.” Trump’s wife is now ready to start campaigning, after a rumoured renegotiation of her prenup—and she’s starting with the GOP’s largest gay rights organization. What does that tell you? This shouldn’t be surprising, though—when the U.S. Senate enshrined same-sex “marriage” into law, Trump threw a celebratory party at Mar-a-Lago.


From the Daily Mail: “Bearded 6ft-tall trans athlete who knocked down rival during school basketball game ‘was suspended from female rowing team for leering at topless girl in changing room.’” I’m surprised he got suspended, frankly.


From Politico: “Republicans are rushing to defend IVF. The anti-abortion movement hopes to change their minds.” This is an interesting piece of reporting, although I think it oversells the enthusiasm about a campaign against IVF. Consistent pro-lifers have always recognized that IVF is fundamentally unethical on a number of levels, starting with the fact that the vast majority of artificially-created embryos die at some point during the process—a grotesque death rate by any measure. But IVF has become tacitly accepted in many Christian communities, and an enormous amount of education is needed to correct his. For those interested, I had a conversation with Stephanie Gray about IVF (she wrote an excellent book on the subject) which you can listen to here.


More soon.

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