Study shows that women who visit crisis pregnancy centres 20% less likely to abort (and other stories)

A roundup of news and commentary from around the interwebs.


Over at National Review, Alexandra DeSanctis notes an encouraging study:

new research paper has found that pregnant women who are considering abortion and visit a crisis-pregnancy center (CPC) are about 20 percent less likely to choose abortion than pregnant women who don’t visit one.

She also notes that the study’s authors conclude that the reason for this is that the women are obviously being lied to—because that is the only way, apparently, that someone would choose life.


A judge has upheld a Louisiana law requiring parental consent for abortions for minors.


Amnesty International is now pushing for the approval of the abortion pill in Argentina due to the fact that the recent legalization of abortion, which is still being challenged by multiple court cases, has not made it widely available.


According to Fox News: “A University of Louisville Medical School (ULSOM) student has been expelled just months from graduation due to his views on abortion, a new lawsuit alleges.” One professor allegedly called him “stupid” and asked him if his brains work.


Biological men identifying as female have already graced the cover of most major magazines, won beauty contests, and featured as Sports Illustrated pinups. Now, a transgender person, Ariel Nicholson, has become a Vogue cover model. They will rub it in our faces as much as they can.


Speaking of which, there’s this story from the Washington Times:

Transgender students have filed a federal lawsuit to upend a Tennessee law requiring students use bathrooms and locker rooms based on their biological sex, as schools ready to welcome children back for a new school year.

The Human Rights Campaign filed the lawsuit on behalf of two transgender students, one 14-year-old boy and a six-year-old girl.

Yes, I’m sure this six-year-old is not just a pawn for trans activists trying to colonize childhood. Disgusting.


More soon.

One thought on “Study shows that women who visit crisis pregnancy centres 20% less likely to abort (and other stories)

  1. Navi says:

    Well, it could be that women visiting a CPC are more likely to be pro-life or are less interested in having an abortion to begin with. Still encouraging to see, and a good reminder to support one’s local pregnancy centre.

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