The LGBT movement faces backlash (& other stories)

A roundup of news and commentary from around the interwebs.


From Louise Perry at the Spectator: “The eugenics comeback.”


Good news: The European Court of Human Rights has ruled that there is no right to assisted suicide in Europe.


From Christopher Rufo: “The Murky Business of Transgender Medicine.”


From National Review, on the Supreme Court dodging the abortion pill question: “The Poison Pill Escapes Its Day in Court.”


California continues its grim deformation into a dystopia: “California Senate approves ban on requiring schools to notify parents of child’s pronoun change.”


Good. Supporting IVF is incompatible with being pro-life: “Senate GOP blocks bill to guarantee access to IVF nationwide.”


From LSN: “‘Transgender’ inmates are continuing to sexually assault female prisoners.”


The tide may not be turning—but a highwater mark may have been reached: “Cultural shift? US and Canada now show decreased support for the LGBT agenda.”


More soon.

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