Hook-up culture, pornography, abortion, euthanasia, religious liberty—for Christians in North America today, it’s often hard to understand how things have changed so radically and so quickly. The Culture War examines all of these topics, explaining how the Sexual Revolution transformed Western civilization, and detailing how Christians were caught off-guard by well-planned and brilliantly-executed strategies implemented by ruthless secular activists. This book was written so that Christians can understand how we came to this cultural moment, and what we can do now that we are here. Written by the Bridgehead’s host, author and speaker, Jonathon Van Maren.
The Culture War
The Culture War was written so that Christians can understand how we came to this cultural moment, and what we can do now that we are here. [205 pages – Paperback]
99 in stock
Weight | 350 g |
Dimensions | 23 × 16 × 1.5 cm |
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Janine Van Maren –
While reading “The Culture Wars” I was forced many times to just put the book down, and take some time to think about what I was reading. Jonathon did an excellent job of explaining how we got to today; in a way that was sickeningly honest, easy to understand (but difficult to digest), and informative. After reading this book I now have a better view on culture issues I read about in the news, and am better equipped for discussions with those around me.
Andrew Korevaar –
In a series of philosophical vignettes, Jonathon unwinds many of the seemingly disconnected threads of Social Progressivism and logically demonstrates that the origin and purpose of these threads are the same. Although the work is philosophical in nature, Jonathon has successfully resisted the common urge of Academia to incorporate abstract jargon or ambiguous terminology. The narrative style and anecdotal records make the book a simple and engaging read for anyone.
Carrie Van Hemert –
This book is a must read for everyone! I feel like many of us know something is wrong with our culture, but can’t quite figure out what to do about it. It’s a bit like dealing with an injury or disease. If we can’t identify what it is, we won’t know how to treat it. Jonathon has, through his work and research, effectively diagnosed what is wrong with today’s culture. In a well written summary of his findings, he has explained how our culture became what it is, and what can be done about it.
John Hof –
I have read the book and taken sometime to consider my review. A difficult yet precise articulation of where we are, how we got here and where we are going as a society.
“Culture War” needs to be mandatory reading for every single activist or potential activist in the PL movement. I can’t tell you how many times we old guys have wanted to draw the connections between all of society’s ills and the life issues. We usually end up spinning our wheels apologizing for having offended someone. You have nailed it with no apologies necessary.
Thank you for using the wonderful gift of drawing such a clear picture easy for anyone to understand. In recommending your book to someone just today I came up with the phrase, “Jonathon Van Maren is the Mark Steyn of Canada.”
Just to underscore the accuracy of your book Jonathan, recently a friend, a leader in the church and a pillar of the community, was exposed publicly for some sexual sins. I am certain that pornography played a key role in this person’s life and now his family and their future lie in ruins.
If only one person comes to healing and forgiveness because of Culture War, then your words will be that “seed” scattered on fertile soil.
John Hof, pres.
United for Life BC
Oriyana Hrycyshyn –
“The Culture War” is a book I think every Christian should read! Jonathon so eloquently lays out the state of our culture today, how we have gotten to this point, and how multiple societal problems like pornography, abortion, and euthanasia are all intertwined and related. While the topics covered in the book are serious and heavy, Jonathon’s clear, evidence-based writing perfectly sums up the material in a way that is both interesting and easy to understand for any reader.
Upon finishing the book, I feel I have a better context for the culture we live in, and am more prepared and confident to engage others, especially on my university campus, regarding such cultural issues. As a 21-year-old student, my experience has been that fellow classmates and people my age in general tend to take things at face value without questioning them or taking the time to conduct their own research. Having read “The Culture War,” I look forward to being able to address and object to what Jonathon refers to as “junk science” the next time a professor or classmate brings up the work of people such as Alfred Kinsey in class.
Lastly, not only does Jonathon provide a road map for our culture and the societal problems we face, but he goes on to provide hope and explain how we can and should respond moving forward. The importance of such a book in today’s age cannot be overstated.