Will Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s progressivism change the British monarchy forever?

By Jonathon Van Maren

May 31, 2018 (LifeSiteNews) – Queen Elizabeth II, known to some as “the last Christian monarch,” is a profoundly apolitical person—she and her family do not even vote. She has remained for many a steadfast symbol of a Great Britain that has slowly faded away, with her first and favorite prime minister being the great Winston Churchill. Her brood, of course, has been largely unimpressive, although years of failing marriages have been kind to the tabloids. William and Kate have thus far avoided being anything other than mute and elegant representatives of the Crown—William’s ignorant comments on “overpopulation” notwithstanding—and with the marriage of Prince Harry to the American TV actress Meghan Markle, the Royals have experienced another wave of affection.

But the arrival of Meghan Markle—who, as is standard for American celebrities, has been vocally left-wing—may introduce an interesting new dynamic. The Queen doesn’t talk politics, but Markle certainly does—she has already utilized her bio on the Royal Family’s website to mention (somewhat sanctimoniously for a woman with an entourage dedicated to her happiness) that she is a “feminist.” She publicly opined on Brexit (opposed, of course) back when she had no stake in the matter. She has also already indicated that LGBT advocacy will be prominent and important to both herself and Harry in their public roles, with many British newspapers noting that the couple has promised to “campaign” for gay “rights.”

That fact explains the man Meghan and Prince Harry chose to deliver the sermon at their grand wedding. Rev. Michael Curry, an Episcopal bishop, is well-known for being a vocal advocate of gay marriage, which the Episcopalians have endorsed. The sermon was much-hailed by liberals around the world, mainly because it was an inoffensive and bland series of inspirational quotes with the word “love” consistently being breathed out in a manner that suggested someone trying way too hard. Much has been made of the hilarious reactions of the various Royals to Curry’s sermon—the Queen’s impassive scowl is by far the best—but many liberals attributed this to Curry’s edgy ability to shock rather than the fact that his performance was over-the-top and funny in a very un-self-aware sort of way.


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