As the West faces a “baby bust,” Justin Trudeau’s government is attempting to push abortion worldwide

By Jonathon Van Maren

A few days ago, the BBC reported on a “remarkable decline in fertility rates,” with researchers finding that “fertility rate falls mean nearly half of the countries [are] now facing a ‘baby bust’—meaning there are insufficient children to maintain their population size.” Hilariously, the researchers said that these findings were a “huge surprise” despite decades of evidence and warning signs, and they warned that this would soon result in “profound consequences for societies” with “more grandparents than grandchildren.”

Despite the fact that no babies (or very few babies) poses a civilizational threat—this should be obvious—the researchers interspersed their dire warnings with a cheery upside: Because this low birthrate indicates “greater access to contraception” and more people opting for a life in the workforce over parenting, in “many ways, falling fertility rates are a success story.” Not for Western countries overall, of course, but certainly for those with a very specific view of progress that does not involve the progressive society they are seeking to build reproducing itself (which, ironically, means it will be gone in a generation or two. But who reads the fine print these days, anyway?)

Canada’s Trudeau government, however, seems determined to spread the joy of an uncertain and childless future to others. As the Globe and Mail reported yesterday:

Canada will continue to encourage other countries to offer more family planning services including contraception and abortion because they’re key to fighting poverty, the country’s international development minister said Sunday.

Marie-Claude Bibeau said Canada will continue to speak “frankly” with other countries on the need for such services, even if it remains controversial in some circles.

Bibeau arrived in Rwanda on Sunday of a four-day international conference on family planning that runs until Thursday.

In short, the Trudeau government believes that the solution to poverty is for there to be less poor people—and the best way to do that is to throw cash at developing countries in order to fund abortions for poor women. If more poor people have their babies killed, that means there are less poor people overall, meaning less poverty worldwide. It is an airtight solution, if you are an abortion ideologue who neglects to discover what African women actually want. The Trudeau government has no desire to ask, of course, since they think they know best.

With Hungary, Italy, and other nations desperately attempting to nail down solutions to the ongoing demographic implosions in their nations, Justin Trudeau and other abortion activists are attempting to convince populations that have not yet given up on the family to follow our lead. It is neo-colonialism at its very finest: Unethical, stupid, and reflective of a post-modern arrogance rooted in precisely nothing.


For anyone interested, my book on The Culture War, which analyzes the journey our culture has taken from the way it was to the way it is and examines the Sexual Revolution, hook-up culture, the rise of the porn plague, abortion, commodity culture, euthanasia, and the gay rights movement, is available for sale here.

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