Some trans activists want to call women “bleeders” to be inclusive of “trans men”

By Jonathon Van Maren

Since the explosive rise of the transgender movement, feminists have discovered that intersectionality means that there is no such thing, technically speaking, as a “woman”—at least, not one that can be defined in any objective terms. Now, women can have penises, men can “chest-feed,” and a biological male can win female sports competitions (or even Woman of the Year awards for glamorous magazines). Those women who have objected to this have been demonized as “TERFS”: Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminists, and subject to de-platforming as well as physical violence.

Since our elites have decided that men can also be women, the war of words has begun in earnest. A woman’s genitalia—and I’m not kidding about this—is now referred to by many trans activists as a “front hole.” And now, it turns out, women themselves have been reduced to a new, less than flattering term. From Pink News:

British comedian Cariad Lloyd has deactivated her Twitter account after anti-trans trolls attacked her for using inclusive language when talking about periods. Cariad Lloyd posted a tweet yesterday where she asked her followers to consider donating to Bloody Good Period, a charity that aims to eliminate period poverty.

In the tweet, Lloyd said: “Jane Austen was a Super Plus fan, Lizzie preferred a Mooncup + Emma didn’t leave Hartfield without her Thinx. But some bleeders in the UK can’t afford sanitary products, imagine the scandal at the ball!” She then asked people to consider donating to the charity this festive season.

However, she received backlash from anti-trans trolls online, who took issue with her use of the term “bleeders” rather than women.

Describing people who menstruate as “bleeders” includes all people who menstruate, which includes trans men and non-binary people.

Now, I wonder why women would get offended by being referred to as “bleeders”?


For anyone interested, my book on The Culture War, which analyzes the journey our culture has taken from the way it was to the way it is and examines the Sexual Revolution, hook-up culture, the rise of the porn plague, abortion, commodity culture, euthanasia, and the gay rights movement, is available for sale here.

2 thoughts on “Some trans activists want to call women “bleeders” to be inclusive of “trans men”

  1. Rachel says:

    How about because it’s a sexist and misogynistic term used to demean and degrade women considering menstruation is largely considered a weakness among AMABs? You don’t need to insult half of the world’s population to be inclusive.

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