Biden DOJ charges doctor who exposed “gender affirming care” barbarism (& other stories)

A roundup of news and commentary from around the interwebs.


A reminder that the Democrats worship abortion, first and foremost: “Nancy Pelosi: If Democrats Win, We Will Kill the Filibuster and Legalize Abortions Up to Birth Nationwide.”


Carl Trueman has a warning for Christians who embrace sinful tactics in the culture wars. This is very much worth reading: “Honorable Conduct in the ‘Negative World.’”


From the New York Post: “Montana parents who lost custody of daughter after opposing gender transition claim 14-year-old was taken without warrant.” An excerpt:

A Montana couple who claim they lost custody of their daughter after opposing a gender transition now allege the 14-year-old was taken from them by the state’s child protective services without a warrant, according to a new lawsuit.

The teen’s father, Todd Kolstad, and stepmother, Krista, slapped the agency with a federal suit earlier this week, claiming that social workers allegedly took their child without due process by not having a judge sign off on the warrant, the Daily Montanan reported.

The couple also allege their religious freedoms were ignored and their civil rights violated when CPS opted to put the teen in a psychiatric facility in Wyoming instead of Montana — and then banned them from communicating with the child.

The legal saga first erupted when the Kolstads said the teen, who is only identified as “H.K.” in court papers, told them last year that he identifies as transgender and wanted to transition to a male. The couple, however, said they refused the teen’s request because of their strong religious beliefs.

Read the whole thing.


N.S. Lyons explains that any counter-revolutionary right-wing movement will have to create a parallel society within society: “The Right’s Future Must be Parallel, and Counter-Revolutionary.”



From the Euthanasia Prevention Coalition: “Slovenia passes assisted suicide referendum in tight vote.”


More soon.

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