People destroyed by transgender surgeries are coming forward

By Jonathon Van Maren

One by one, whistleblowers are coming forward to tell their stories — heartbreaking tales of how they were victimized by medical professionals in the thrall of transgender ideology.

There was Keira Bell, the courageous young woman who took the medical profession to court for “transitioning” her to be a male without impressing upon her the gravity of what she was doing. There was the bombshell BBC report, in which journalists interviewed experts sympathetic to transgender ideology but were horrified by the long-term damage being done to young people.

And now there’s allegations from yet another “de-transitioner.” According to the Times, Ritchie Herron attempted to live for some time as a “transgender woman,” going so far as to receive “vaginoplasty surgery,” which have resulted in chronic pain, difficulty urinating, and no sex drive. (These side effects echo another horrifying de-transitioner testimony that was published last month. Read it at your own discretion.)

Herron has since realized that “transitioning” was a mistake and once again identifies as male, his biological sex. He is accusing the U.K.’s National Health Service of rushing him into surgery and ignoring his concerns about it, with medics allegedly telling him that they stemmed from his OCD.

“There’s like a conveyer belt system going on where they’re just trying to rush through people as quickly as possible, because the waiting list is like five years in some areas now,” Herron stated.

Herron says he was diagnosed as a “transsexual” in two thirty-minute appointments with a psychiatrist at the Northern Gender Dysphoria Service (a branch of the NHS) back in 2014, after which he was promptly given medication to block testosterone development, began cross-dressing, and called himself “Abby.” Surgery was on the table immediately, and he was referred for it only months after his “diagnosis.”


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