By Jonathon Van Maren
“Pride Month” is more than a celebration of the LGBT agenda – it is a potent display of cultural power that unfolds across the Western world. The U.S. Department of Agriculture lit up the federal building with rainbow colors; the White House flew the LGBT flag alongside the America flag and hosted a brouhaha for LGBT activists on the lawn. In the U.K., the Union Jack was taken down and replaced with the LGBT flag. On Parliament Hill in Canada, a formal LGBT flag-raising was hosted by the prime minister.
As Carl Trueman noted in a column titled “America’s LGBTQ establishment: ‘How do you take over an empire?’” The answer: “You simply need to control time and space.” If you have any doubt that the LGBT movement has done that, I invite you to take a walk in any town or city this month.
None of that has stopped the LGBT movement from claiming that they are victims – the transgender movement actually insists that they are the victims of an ongoing genocide. And in the midst of a transcontinental celebration of LGBT lifestyles, America’s largest LGBT group, the Human Rights Campaign, declared a state of emergency. According to HRC’s president, Kelley Robinson:
LGBTQ+ Americans are living in a state of emergency. The multiplying threats facing millions in our community are not just perceived – they are real, tangible and dangerous. In many cases they are resulting in violence against LGBTQ+ people, forcing families to uproot their lives and flee their homes in search of safer states, and triggering a tidal wave of increased homophobia and transphobia that puts the safety of each and every one of us at risk.
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has taken a similar line, insisting that the LGBT movement is facing a “rising tide of hate” because some parents have protested radical sex education in public schools and objected to Drag Queen Story Hour.
Trudeau responded to a policy change in New Brunswick that would stipulate parental involvement before schools could “socially transition” children with name and pronoun changes – triggered by parental feedback – as the work of the “far right.” That is what Trudeau is calling a “rising tide of hate” – the genuine concerns of parents about being involved in the lives of their own children.
This approach has the two-fold effect of demonizing anyone who objects to the LGBT agenda and “cry-bullying” – appropriating victimhood status in order to further that agenda. Both Biden and Trudeau handed a pile of taxpayer money to LGBT groups to celebrate the month of celebration; LGBT groups in Canada were also given over a million dollars for security for the various taxpayer-funded events they are holding around the country this month (and beyond – Canada’s government website now refers to “Pride Season” instead of “Pride Month”).
Of course, it is ludicrous for a movement that owns the culture so thoroughly to claim victimhood status. A microcosmic example of this is Ottawa Centre Member of Provincial Parliament Joel Harden, who is facing both public scrutiny and mockery after claiming to be punched in the face by a protester at a rally on Friday at which parental rights protesters faced off with LGBT counter-protesters.
Of course. It is the main tool of the manipulator, and the classic Narcissist to play the victim, to play the oppressed, to play the under-privileged, to play the powerless, to play whatever it takes to gain power over others, for themselves, or by proxy using authority to enact their will on others.