Why is Planned Parenthood being trusted to do sex-ed when their business model depends on bad sexual decisions?

By Jonathon Van Maren

With the firing of Planned Parenthood CEO Leanna Wen, the abortion giant confirmed what those of us with eyes and common sense already knew: Planned Parenthood is an abortion business masquerading as a healthcare organization to stiff taxpayers for millions of dollars while aborting millions of American babies in the womb.

Just as the abortion industry’s allies in the media were spilling gallons of ink decrying former Planned Parenthood director Abby Johnson’s description of abortion quotas for clinics, portrayed in recent film Unplanned, and that Abby was simply maligning a wonderful organization dedicated to helping women, the ghouls of the abortion giant’s upper echelons were plotting to offload their own CEO because while she was pro-abortion, she was apparently not quite pro-abortion enough.


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