Hillary Clinton says Trump poses an unprecedented threat to abortion in America

By Jonathon Van Maren

On Thursday, September 26, failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton gave an address to the 50th anniversary dinner of NARAL Pro-Choice America, one of the most powerful abortion lobby groups in the country. NARAL had put all of its hopes on Hillary during the 2016 election, and her defeat to Donald Trump reduced many top abortion leaders to tears that evening, with one photograph of NARAL’s Ilyse Hogue — who had triggered applause at the Democratic National Convention when she declared she’d aborted one of her babies — staring in stunned grief at the election results at what was supposed to be Clinton’s victory party immediately went viral.

Clinton, unsurprisingly, announced to a receptive crowd that Trump posed a “clear and present danger” to America’s future and to democracy itself, and she praised Nancy Pelosi for her leadership in initiating an impeachment inquiry. But it was the threat the Trump administration posed to legal abortion, she told Moloch’s top lobbyists, that people everywhere should fear the most. America was at a crossroads in the abortion wars, and feticide advocates everywhere needed to fight like their freedoms depended on it. Pro-life activists, after all, would be fighting like the lives of millions of children depend on it — because they do.


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