WATCH: Rand Paul asks transgender Biden nominee to condemn genital mutilation

Take five minutes and watch this. Honestly. Rachel Levine, formerly Richard Levine, has been nominated by Joe Biden as the assistant secretary of health. This is the sort of extremist being placed in the highest positions of power by the new administration:

As Rod Dreher noted:

People, this is how serious it is. This is how insane the Democratic Party and the medical community are. Rachel Levine is the kind of tyrant they want to rule over us. Here is how the liberal site Vox described the Paul-Levine exchange:

Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY), meanwhile, used his time to promote transphobic misinformation.

In a moment in which the pandemic is exposing severe health challenges, especially for America’s most marginalized, Paul’s line of questioning was particularly egregious.

I can hear the progressive shrieking now: People will DIE because Rand Paul asked Dr. Levine a perfectly normal question! More Vox:

Paul was eventually cut off by health, education, and labor committee Chair Patty Murray (D-WA). She and other Democrats praised Levine for her professionalism in handling Paul’s transphobic remarks, and spoke to the greater problem Paul’s rhetoric presented.

“It is really critical to me that our nominees be treated with respect and that our questions focus on their qualifications and the work ahead of us, rather than on ideological and harmful misrepresentations like those we heard from Sen. Paul earlier,” Murray said.

Astonishing! Sen. Paul is asking the questions a lot of Americans would like to know about the policies the Democrats and their appointees will be advocating — policies that are going to result in children suffering penile amputations, irreversible breast amputations, fertility destruction, and other harmful outcomes. But even Democratic politicians say asking questions is bigoted.

This has been a social revolution at warp speed–in a half decade or less. I wouldn’t believe it if I wasn’t watching it.

One thought on “WATCH: Rand Paul asks transgender Biden nominee to condemn genital mutilation

  1. Catherine says:

    Supremely ironic…. the senator is correct in posing the questions.
    It is a necessary defence of children and young people the world over.
    “Rachel” Levine’s answers are obstructive and evasive. Exactly who is promoting the “transgender misinformation”? Clearly it’s the person in the dress.

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