Biden supports global plan for graphic sex-ed (and other stories)

A roundup of news from around the interwebs.


Good news: A judge rejected Planned Parenthood’s attempt to stay in Texas’s Medicaid program after a years-long court battle.


Abortion supporters in Northern Ireland are furious about a proposed bill that calls for a ban on eugenic abortions. From the BBC:

A DUP MLA who wants to amend NI abortion laws says the move should be backed to show that people with disabilities are “equally valued”. Paul Givan has presented a bill which aims to prevent abortions being carried out in cases of non-fatal disabilities which he says includes Down’s syndrome. He told MLAs that his bill “tackles disability discrimination and how the law perpetuates stereotypes”. His bill is receiving support from some assembly members in other parties.

It bears mentioning that abortion was forced on Northern Ireland by Westminster to begin with.


South Dakota has passed a bill protecting female sports by banning the participation of biological males. Governor Kristi Noem has stated that she will sign it; the LGBT lobby are already calling this basic protection “transphobic” and one Democrat called it “bullying.”


Over at The American Conservative, Rod Dreher has an interesting piece on the wars of religion currently underway in the US. The infusion of politics into religion, he noted, has resulted in the polar opposites of woke church and MAGA church. Both are hurting Christianity; wokeism has far more power.


Quebec, which boasts the highest abortion rate in Canada and where babies can be aborted up until birth, has granted personhood status to a river. If you’re a child in the birth canal? Not a person. A torrent of water running through a riverbed? A person.


The only thing worse than public schools may be New York private schools. From NBC News:

A New York City private school has issued guidance suggesting that phrases like “mom and dad” and “boys and girls” should be avoided in a push to make the campus more inclusive.

Grace Church School said its 12-page “Grace Inclusive Language Guide” was designed to provide staff with language that fits the school’s mission.

“While we recognize hateful language that promotes racism, misogyny, homophobia, and other forms of discrimination are already addressed in our school handbooks, we also recognize that we can do more than ban hateful language; we can use language to create welcoming and inclusive spaces,” it reads.

Read the whole thing if you feel like doing a spit-take.


Finally, there’s this from C-Fam:

The U.S. government under Joe Biden supports “comprehensive sexuality education” in UN policy once again. This controversial UN approach to sex-education includes teaching grade-school children that homosexuality and transgenderism are healthy, and that masturbation is positive. U.S. diplomats expressed strong support for “comprehensive sexuality education” in negotiations for an agreement on women’s issues to be adopted by the UN Commission on the Status of Women on March 23, according to insiders familiar with the negotiations…

The insistence of European delegations and the Obama administration to include “comprehensive sexuality education” in UN agreements is responsible for derailing negotiations over past UN agreements. Countries who lean conservative on social issues oppose the term for fear of endorsing highly controversial sex education curricula promoted by international agencies.

The UN agency for education (UNESCO), alongside other UN agencies, released a UN-system-wide curriculum guide on “comprehensive sexuality education” in 2018. The guide endorsed by UNICEF, UN Women, UNFPA and the WHO is now used across the UN system and includes highly controversial content.

The UN agency guidelines propose teaching children as young as five that people show love and care for others “sometimes through sexual behaviors” and “the difference between biological sex and gender.” In the same age-range, the guidelines suggest pushing children to identify “trusted adults” other than their parents to “help them understand themselves, their feelings and their bodies.”

The guidelines aggressively promote social acceptance of homosexuality and transgenderism from a young age, including teaching five-year-old children that their gender does not necessarily correspond to their biological sex and that “there are many different kinds of families.”

The UN agencies even recommend telling nine-year-olds that masturbation is normal and “does not cause physical or emotional harm but should be done in private.”

According to the curriculum teenagers as young as twelve should also be taught how to access contraception, abortion, and reproductive health “without significant barriers, regardless of ability, marital status, gender, gender identity or sexual orientation.” The UN guidelines do not mention any role for parental oversight or involvement in these decisions.

The UN system guide also maintains that teenagers should be taught that “everyone, including people living with HIV, have the right to express sexual feelings and love for others” and, at the same time, that individuals who test positive for HIV/AIDS should “not be required to disclose their HIV status.”

The UN guidelines recommend making comprehensive sexuality education mandatory in schools even though the evidence of its efficacy is mixed.

A section on the data flaws and limitations within the guidelines, warns that less than half of sexuality education programs show any positive results in delayed sexual debut, fidelity, and correct use of condoms and that no studies “examined programmes for gay, lesbian or other young people engaging in same-sex sexual behavior.”

To implement the guidelines, UNESCO officials recommend an even more progressive curriculum prepared by global abortion groups Population Council and International Planned Parenthood Federation. When implemented at the national level “comprehensive sexuality education” curricula are sometimes called with other names, including family health education, life-skills education, sexual and reproductive health education.

Unsurprising. Again, elections have consequences.


More soon.

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