A roundup of news and commentary from around the interwebs.
A Canadian psychotherapist explains how school-teachers are cultivating transgender kids.
The award for the stupidest COVID-19 restriction surely goes to New South Wales, Australia, where the government has literally attempted to ban church singing even on Zoom and livestreams. Beyond parody.
The Boy Scouts of America has lost 2 million members in only eight years—and unsurprisingly, one leader says this is because the organization “abandoned its laser focus on boys.”
I have a column up at The American Conservative this week taking a look at how many pro-life and pro-family leftists in Latin America and elsewhere are being condemned by woke Westerners who see progress as indistinguishable from the success of the sexual revolution.
As I noted previously, the U.K. rejected an attempt to legalize abortion up until birth. This was due primarily to MPs receiving “tsunami” of correspondence protesting the proposal. Political engagement works. Pro-lifers should remember this.
Live Action News reports that the abortion rates have dropped to record lows in Minnesota for the third straight year.
Finally, the unearthed testimony of abortion workers once again reveals the barbarism of abortion—the discovery of severed arms and legs ground up in the garbage disposal.
More soon.