A U.S. Senate panel votes to make women register for the draft (and other stories)

A roundup of news and commentary from around the interwebs.


The Abortion Rights Coalition of Canada is still complaining about crisis pregnancy centres, which anger them for providing options other than abortion. Most recently, the University of Saskatchewan college of medicine has cut ties with one centre where they had previously placed students.


This analysis of long-term pro-life legal strategy at the Supreme Court from Vox theorizes on the different outcomes of the Dobbs case. Abortion activists are either a) very concerned or b) trying to gin up panic in the base before the midterm elections—probably both. My own view, published in The American Conservative, is that Roe will be gutted further rather than overturned completely—a partial victory.


The Irish media outlet Gript has published my piece on Jane Austen’s abolitionist brother.


A U.S. Senate panel has voted to make women register for the draft—a move that Phyllis Schlafly warned about decades ago in her successful campaign against the Equal Rights Amendment. As a second push to ramrod the ERA through gains speed, Hollywood has again taken to smearing Schlafly, although she can no longer defender herself.


Also at Gript, there’s some rare good news in the Irish abortion debate—it appears that peaceful protests outside abortion clinics may not be banned, after all.


Over at Steyn Online, Tal Bachman has part XIII of his ongoing series on the damages wrought by the trans movement (“We Have Met The Enemy Part XIII):

They harm by increasing the risk of lethal disease. They harm by inflicting major, irreversible damage and disfigurement on bodies—including the permanent destruction of fertility—under false pretenses. They harm by falsely raising ailing people’s hopes, consigning them to life-crushing disappointment a few years down the road. They harm by amounting to a financial scam which cynically preys on their vulnerability and longing (surgeries can now cost upwards of $100,000 in the United States).

Read the whole thing. It’s powerful stuff.


At American Greatness, historian Victor David Hanson has a somewhat nerve-wracking essay titled “The American Descent Into Madness.” It’s a compelling read.




More soon.

One thought on “A U.S. Senate panel votes to make women register for the draft (and other stories)

  1. Navi says:

    “ The Abortion Rights Coalition of Canada is still complaining about crisis pregnancy centres, which anger them for providing options other than abortion. Most recently, the University of Saskatchewan college of medicine has cut ties with one centre where they had previously placed students.”

    So the university did a full investigation, found nothing wrong with the CPC placement, but then cancelled it after a couple students went whining to the press. What cowards. Also a good time to re-up these:


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