Biological male wins New Zealand’s “sportswoman of the year” award

By Jonathon Van Maren

It is a symptom of our stupid age that extremely obvious facts are reported as shocking news, while obvious falsehoods are reported as triumphant truths. Consider, for example, the tale of two transgender stories.

You could be forgiven for missing it — only a few outlets covered the story because it is inconvenient to the current progressive dogmas — but a report from the Sports Councils Equality Group concluded that “trans women” (that is, biological men identifying as women) have an advantage when playing in women’s sports. This is not only true in general, but also when testosterone levels have been reduced in order to level the playing field.

As the report states: “Current research indicates that testosterone suppression does not negate this physical advantage over females and so cannot guarantee competitive fairness and/or safety.”

That said, in order to ensure that transgender athletes can exercise their God-given right to play sports with whoever they want, whenever they want, the report timidly suggested that new “universal” or “open” categories be invented, so that transgender folks and in-betweenies can still play without ruining women’s sports. The report concluded that fairness in women’s sports cannot be maintained if trans athletes are allowed to compete.


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