How the Freedom Convoy drove the media crazy (and other stories)

A roundup of news and commentary from around the interwebs.


If you want to know what sort of folks the Biden Administration is hiring, check out this piece by Rod Dreher (if you’ve got a strong stomach.) Sam Brinton, a queer activist and gay man who frolics about with other gay men pretending to be dogs, is the latest addition to the Department of Energy. This is Weimar stuff.


Despite claims that legalizing assisted suicides reduces other suicides—but making it legal and less messy—that supposition is not backed up by evidence.


In the National Post, Kelly McParland notes that Canada is changing—and that the elites don’t seem to have a clue.


This column by Jonathan Kay on the hysterical reaction of Canada’s progressive media and politicians is an absolute must-read. Seriously, read it. It is an utterly damning analysis of Canada’s elites.


In case you’re wondering how the gender wars are going, a 31-year-old male identifying as underage girl was arrested for attempting to entice a child into sexual activity. As it turns out, reality can’t just be wished away. Who’d have thought it.


Here’s another example of a male sex predator identifying as female for the purposes of predation. This is a sick joke, with women and children suffering the fallout.


Dr. Calum Miller has a powerful article over at The Critic on why the UK’s government (and any government pursuing this policy) needs to put a stop to the “do-it-yourself” pill abortions that became widespread during the COVID-19 pandemic.


National Review debunks the idea that “queerness is under siege” with a new Florida law aiming to keep LGBT propaganda out of the classroom.


More soon.

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