Netherlands debates letting everyone choose their own gender (and other stories)

A roundup of news and commentary from around the interwebs.


From The European Conservative:

Debate is raging in the Netherlands over a proposed amendment to the current law concerning individuals who identify as their non-biological genders.

If approved, it will no longer be mandatory for anyone—minors under the age of 16 included—to seek medical or psychological advice before adopting a new gender. In an article, published by De Telegraaf, experts and politicians have come out with criticism towards what they consider an ill-conceived piece of legislation. 

Read the whole thing.


South Korea has shattered its own record for the lowest fertility rate in the world. From Bloomberg:

South Korea has once again shattered its own record for the world’s lowest fertility rate as it faces the prospect of its population of 51 million people more than halving by the end of this century.

What happened to overpopulation? It’s a myth. Read the whole thing.


At The American Conservative, Daniel Strand has a great rebuttal to the assertion (from David French, Jemar Tisby, and others) that “Christian nationalism” fueled the January 6 riots.


Christopher Rufo’s latest expose, “Radical Gender Theory Comes to the Heartland,” notes that trans ideology has now infiltrated a school district in Missouri. This is the way: relentlessly shine a light on what the ideologues are attempting to do quietly.


As I’ve been noting for several years, Canada is becoming an international cautionary tale due to our deadly and ever-expanding euthanasia regime. Here’s the latest example, from the UK, of Canada being used as an example of what not to do.


The brilliant Gabrielle Kuby, author of The Global Sexual Revolution, has penned an open letter to Jordan Peterson over his support of same-sex parenting (and adoption). It is very much worth the read.


Four more red states have trigger laws going into effect, making abortion nearly impossible to obtain.


From the National Post: “We’re about to learn how wrong it was to use the Emergencies Act.” Don’t expect anyone to pay for it, though.


More soon.

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