CNN condemns new “tradwives” trend among young women (and other stories)

A roundup of news and commentary from around the interwebs.


Never forget that the trans movement is sterilizing kids before they can really understand what they are committing to when they embark on “transition”:


Interesting update:

Ideology and reality are at war. I’m genuinely not sure who will win yet.


CNN has published a long-form piece titled “‘Tradwives’ promote a lifestyle that evokes the 1950s. But their nostalgia is not without controversy.” An excerpt:

On certain corners of the internet, a segment of women is exhibiting a nostalgia for an era it has never known. These millennials and zoomers glamorize the aesthetics of 1950s Americana, donning retro fit-and-flare dresses and posting vintage illustrations of aproned housewives placing dinner on the table.

Their politics, too, hearken back to that of the post-World War II boom (at least, for those who were straight, White and middle class). In their ideal society, men are the providers, women are the homemakers and the nuclear family is the holy grail.

These young women belong to a small subculture called “tradwives.” Short for traditional wives, tradwives aren’t your average stay-at-home moms. They sneer at what they consider to be modern-day feminism, with its girlbosses and its ungratifying grind, and wax lyrical about the value of traditional gender roles. Crucially, they promote submission to one’s husband, sometimes evoking fundamentalist Christian principles in their beliefs.

Notably lacking from CNN’s journalism in any analysis of why people might feel nostalgic; the best recent articulation of this sentiment would be Louise Perry’s brilliant book The Case Against the Sexual Revolution, in which she argues that women have gotten badly screwed. CNN’s report literally ends by advising women to read Betty Friedan’s Feminine Mystique. I suggest they read Perry’s book instead. It’s a better piece of journalism.

Oh, one other point: keep in mind the CNN is fully on board with the entire transgender agenda and everything that it entails. Meaning that they think it is more controversial for women to embrace a traditional lifestyle than….to physically mutilate themselves in pursuit of a sex change.


Over at Unherd, Lionel Shriver has a very good essay on how today’s identarian obsessions—with non-binary, agender, and everything else—are killing the idea of character: “Children can’t be experts on themselves.”


A new study has come out on porn—although I find these estimates pretty low, considering the fact that I regularly encounter a higher rate of addiction in churches:

According to a new survey from Common Sense Media, a nonprofit child advocacy organization, 54 percent of teens report having first seen online pornography before age 13, while 12 is the average age when children first consume the content. Findings are based on a nationally representative poll of more than 1,300 youth, carried out in Sept. 2022. 

Read the whole thing.


More soon.

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