The Netherlands is euthanizing children, and Canada could be next

By Jonathon Van Maren

In Canada, between 2016 — when assisted suicide was legalized — and January 31, 2022, at least 31,664 people have died by lethal injection.

The percentage of people being killed by doctors is likely to increase year over year, especially as the Trudeau government continues to ramrod eligibility expansions through the House of Commons over the protest of mental health and disability advocacy groups. We cannot afford to give desperate and suffering Canadians what they need to live, but the Trudeau government is determined to give them a permanent solution to their problems. 

The Netherlands, which on April 1, 2002, became the first Western country to legalize euthanasia since Nazi Germany, euthanasia deaths also continue to rise. According to Dutch News: 

Euthanasia killings rose by nearly 14.1 percent in 2022, totaling 8,720 deaths. That’s 5.1 percent of all deaths in the Netherlands. Since about half of deaths come from things such as accidents or sudden heart attacks, that means around 10 percent of deaths in which a patient was under medical care were from lethal jabs. The same percentage of USA deaths would total would be about 170,000 annually, or as many people as live in Ontario, California. (The USA totals about 3,400,000 deaths per year.)

115 mentally ill people were euthanized in the Netherlands (sometimes conjoined with consensual organ harvesting).

379 elderly couples received joint euthanasia. In the past, this has sometimes meant that one spouse was very ill and the other less debilitated but wanted to avoid the grief of widowhood.

288 people with dementia were euthanized. In the Netherlands, killing can be ordered ahead of time by filling out an advance directive.

The Netherlands and Canada are now on the cutting edge of medical killing, with the Dutch Ministry of Health recommending back in 2019 that the government legalize euthanasia for terminally ill children between the ages of one and 12, with a majority of 72 doctors polled for the report stating that it is morally acceptable to euthanize preteen children who are suffering without prospect of improvement (a deliberately vague framing) if their parents request it.

Horrifyingly, many parents supported the proposal, as well. Children under the age of one can be euthanized in the Netherlands under the 2004 Groningen Protocol, which one journal described as an attempt “to regulate the practice of actively ending the life of newborns and to prevent uncontrolled and unjustified killing.”  


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