Can Christians attend gay weddings? (and other stories)

A roundup of news and commentary from around the interwebs.


At First Things, Senator Josh Hawley explains how the Bible shaped America—and why we must return to it: “Our Christian Nation.”


A good and helpful essay from Carl Trueman: “Can Christians attend gay weddings?”


From the Guardian: “What happens when a school bans smartphones? A complete transformation.” An unsurprising conclusion, but an interesting article for anyone curious about the specifics.


From the Chicago Thinker: “UChicago Performs Illegal Late-Term Abortions—and Advertises Them Online.” Abortion activists simultaneously claim that these barbaric procedures don’t occur, but that they should be legal so that they can occur. Unfortunately, late-term abortion is far more common than most people believe.


The number of those identifying as “nones”—those who affiliate with no religious tradition—continues to grow in America: “Religious ‘Nones’ are now the largest single group in the U.S.” The political implications of this long-term, as I’ve detailed before, are going to be earthshaking for religious liberty.


Lia Thomas, the trans-identified male swimmer who competes against women, is suing World Aquatics. From CNN:

Transgender swimmer Lia Thomas has begun legal proceedings against World Aquatics, swimming’s governing body, after it voted to restrict transgender athletes from competing in elite women’s aquatics competitions, according to the Court of Arbitration for Sport. The swimmer is challenging certain parts of the World Aquatics’ gender inclusion policy, which went into effect on June 20, 2022, according to the international court body.

Thomas knows what he is doing, and he is truly pathetic for doing so. Read the whole thing.


Mary Harrington delivers a scathing indictment of Planned Parenthood’s sex education—the title is a quote from said ed, not her view: “You don’t lose your virginity, you gain empowerment.”


More soon.

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