A roundup of news and commentary from around the interwebs.
I cover some good news in a column here: “Conservative countries won a major victory against the UN’s abortion and LGBT agendas.”
Educators are calling social services on parents who don’t want their children “transitioned.” It’s the stuff of nightmares: “UK school reports parents who refused to affirm daughter’s ‘transgender’ identity to child protective services.”
Is the next big transgender scandal going to be in Italy? From GenSpect: “Gender Identity in Italy: The Developing Situation at Careggi Hospital.”
From the BBC: “Dominica High Court overturns ban on same-sex relations.”
Increasingly, the new generation speaks the language of LGBT in a way that the previous never did. Will it last? I have my doubts, but this new study, covered by Newsweek, is significant nonetheless: “Study Explores Growing Use of They/Them Pronouns.”
Another powerful, but necessary, detransitioner testimony: “I had surgery to become a man but regretted it so I changed back to a woman five years later – now my body Is ruined.”
More soon.