Justin Trudeau’s anti-Christian bigotry

Justin Trudeau’s minority government is hanging on by the skin of its teeth, surviving yet another confidence vote in the House of Commons this week. With the NDP no longer a guaranteed bloc of support (although it seems unlikely that they will vote to topple the government before leader Jagmeet Singh secures his pension in a few months), the Bloc Quebecois are eager to extract concessions from Trudeau as he scrabbles to hang on to power. It was easy for Trudeau to cut a deal with socialists; now we’ll see about the separatists. 

This has led to some tense exchanges in Parliament recently. One statement made by the prime minister was particularly illuminating – not in that it was intelligent or clever, but in that it once again showcased Trudeau’s anti-Christian bigotry and his passion for abortion. Responding to a mocking comment about his decision to appear on left-wing comedian Stephen Colbert’s late night show in New York recently, Trudeau replied angrily: “Perhaps he’d be happier if I accepted all expenses paid trip to Florida to appear at an anti-abortion church… because that’s what [Pierre Poilievre] allows of his own members.” The prime minister added that Poilievre “cannot protect women’s rights” – i.e., the destruction of the unborn in the womb – “from the members of his own caucus!” 

I cannot find the article in Le Journal de Montreal that Trudeau is referring to – the Liberal Party posted the headline as an attack ad on September 24, as well – but the fact that appearing at a pro-life church is considered a line of attack is very revealing. Trudeau calls himself a Catholic, although he doesn’t attend church much, and he publicly rejects Catholic Church teaching on (at minimum) the sanctity of life and sexuality. When he shows up, however, he “appears at an anti-abortion church.” The Roman Catholic Church, of course, is pro-life.  

The same would be true for many of his own MPs and many other parliamentarians. Even many politicians who are avidly pro-abortion attend churches that hold solidly pro-life stances. According to the prime minister – and the Liberal comms shop – this is apparently something to be angrily condemned. 

This is an opportunity for the Conservatives to go on the attack. Millions of Canadians worship in “anti-abortion churches” – and indeed, “anti-abortion” temples, synagogues, mosques, and other houses of worship, for that matter. The Conservative should ask the Liberals: Do they believe that Canadians who worship at these places should be attacked for doing so? Do Justin Trudeau and his Liberals think that attending an “anti-abortion church” and actually believing the teachings of that church is disqualifying for public office? If so, how can they expect such Canadians to vote for their party? 

I attend an “anti-abortion church.” With the exception of a few dying institutions like the United Church (nicknamed “the NDP at prayer” for a reason), so do those who attend Catholic, Orthodox, and Reformed churches, as well as the vast majority of Baptists, Pentecostals, evangelicals, and other Christians. And as I mentioned previously, this is also true for most other major religious groups in Canada, including Hindus, Sikhs, and Muslims (all of whom condemn abortion in some or all cases), as well as the Mormons. Why should anyone who worships at any of these places vote for someone who views their beliefs with such contempt? 

As I have noted before, Justin Trudeau and many around him are motivated by anti-Christian bigotry – that is one reason he has taken such a lackadaisical approach to the nearly 100 Christian churches that have been burned down or vandalized over the past several years. Justin Trudeau’s Canada has no room for believing Christians. In his mind, Canadians who still hold to traditional Christian beliefs, and thus do not participate in “pride” celebrations and choose instead to join pro-life marches, are not really Canadian at all. He has made this clear, stating that those who disagree with him on abortion and the LGBT agenda do not represent what Canada “stands for.” 

He has made this clear once again. The Conservatives should not let him get away with it, and Canadian Christians should take note.   

3 thoughts on “Justin Trudeau’s anti-Christian bigotry

  1. Donald Link says:

    This should be of little surprise. Justin Trudeau was raised in a household headed by his father Prime Minister who thought himself as Canada’s JFK and his mother, a much younger flower child since gone to seed. He has never shown any particular tolerance for differing opinions and tends to lash out at opponents. Ask the truckers whose bank accounts he froze over policy differences.

    • smk, TOF says:

      Very well and truly stated. He is certainly not at all open to the logic of the pro-life, Christian community. His parents appear to have been very lax Catholics, only bringing it up when it was convenient at election time in order to rein in more votes from Catholics who might be loyal to a fellow Catholic. Raised as he was, and cooperating with a decidedly anti-Christian society, can we expect any different of JT?

  2. Anthony Fernandes says:

    Justin Trudeau is not schooled enough to have an informed opinion. He panders to other creeds such as Islam specifically as he sees it’s adherents a reliable vote base. He has set up the Islamophobia office and provided generous funds, he cares only for himself and little for our country. In his tenure he has done enough damage to Canada and he is considered a buffoon in most circles.

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