The forced abortions of P. Diddy (& other stories)

A roundup of news and commentary from around the interwebs.


More prominent evangelicals are coming out in support of Kamala Harris. This is truly bizarre to me. Harris is an abortion extremist, supports sex changes for minors, and is the candidate of the sexual revolution. Her passion for feticide is unparalleled. I understand all of the arguments against Trump, and have detailed them myself in multiple publications (including WORLD magazine and First Things). But to cast a ballot for the candidate running as a high priestess of Moloch? Unconscionable: “Evangelical support for Harris-Walz campaign makes no sense.”


When gender ideology is implemented by the state, the government inevitably begins to seize children from the parental home if mothers and fathers oppose transition. Here is my report on the latest example, from Switzerland: “Swiss parents fight to reclaim teen daughter from state after refusing to enable ‘sex change’.”


One of the top headlines over the past few weeks is about the arrest of rapper P. Diddy on charges of rape and human trafficking, and what this says about the Hollywood elites. But there is a largely-ignored aspect of this story: Diddy, like so many abusers, used abortion to cover up his crimes. My take: “Pro-Democrat rapper P. Diddy accused of coercing ex-girlfriend into multiple abortions.”


I have been asked many times how people can discern what is or is not true in our insane political culture and frenzied digital media environment. One of the reasons conspiracy theories proliferate so widely is because institutional trust is fundamentally broken, and for good reason. This response by Ben Shapiro to that question is very worth watching, and re-watching:


For those interested in the claims of Tucker Carlson (and others) that the Ukrainians are “persecuting” Christians: “Russia: Orthodox by Culture, Imperialist by Nature.”


From the Euthanasia Prevention Coalition: “Disability groups legally challenge Canada’s euthanasia law.” An excerpt:

On September 26, 2024 a coalition of disability rights organizations and two personally affected individuals filed a Charter challenge with the Ontario Superior Court of Justice. The Court Challenge opposes Track 2 of Canada’s Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD) law, which provides euthanasia to people with a disability who are not dying, or whose death is not “reasonably foreseeable.” 

The coalition includes national disability organizations Inclusion Canada, the Council of Canadians with Disabilities (CCD), Indigenous Disability Canada (IDC/BCANDS), and DAWN Canada, as well as two individuals who have been harmed by Track 2 MAiD. 

Krista Carr, Executive Vice-President of Inclusion Canada said:

“People are dying. We are witnessing an alarming trend where people with disabilities are seeking assisted suicide due to social deprivation, poverty, and lack of essential supports. This law also sends a devastating message that life with a disability is a fate worse than death, undermining decades of work toward equity and inclusion. It’s time to put an end to helping people with disabilities commit suicide and start supporting them to live.”

Heather Walkus, National Chairperson of the CCD said:

“This challenge is about protecting the equality and human rights of all people with disabilities in Canada. Instead of providing the support and resources we need to live, our government is offering death. It’s unacceptable, and we won’t stand for it.”

Read the whole thing.


Abortion survivor Melissa Ohden explains how she felt the day she discovered that an abortionist had tried to kill her when she was in her mother’s womb:


More soon.

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