Algerian child rapist granted asylum in France after claiming to be transgender

Some news stories seem almost deliberately created to stoke public resentment and to highlight the growing chasm between ordinary people and the progressive establishment. A recent story out of France – and covered primarily by the French press – is one such story. 

A 32-year-old Algerian migrant identified by the French media only as “Mehdi F.” was convicted, in 2019, of raping a child under the age of 15. The court handed him a four-year prison sentence and, in 2021, a deportation order.  

The rapist desperately tried to stay in France. In 2020, the French Office for the Protection of Stateless Refugees refused his application for asylum. As Gript reported, French law states that even refugee status can be either declined or terminated if the person requesting it “has been convicted in France … either for a crime or for an offence constituting an act of terrorism or punishable by ten years’ imprisonment, and his presence constitutes a serious threat to French society.” 

The convicted rapist appealed this decision. The National Court of Asylum (CNDA) responded by overturning the previous decision – because Mehdi now identifies as transgender, and insists that if he gets deported to Algeria, he will be the subject of transphobic persecution. The Council of State of France agreed with him. The newly-minted transgender rapist will be staying in France for his own safety.  

According to Mehdi’s lawyer, Isabelle Zribi, her client is “in the process of changing gender to become a woman” and “feared being persecuted if he returned to Algeria because of her [sic] sexuality and gender change.” How do you turn a convicted rapist into a victim? By turning the male perpetrator into an allegedly vulnerable female. The National Court of Asylum insisted that:  

The documents in the file and the declarations of Mehdi F., particularly spontaneous and substantiated, made it possible to take as established his sexual orientation and his trans identity, as well as the persecutions resulting from them in the event of his return to Algeria.

The potential danger to French children by keeping Mehdi in France, it seems, does not matter. The rights of trans-identifying rapists outweigh everything – and everybody – else. Mehdi, of course, has proven extraordinarily cooperative now, with the CNDA stating that he “had expressed regrets and a desire for social and professional integration, and that he benefited from psychiatric follow-up and associative support.”  

The National Court of Asylum appealed the CNDA’s decision to France’s Supreme Court, but it upheld the decision because the rape conviction, according to the ruling, did not in itself “legally justify a decision refusing refugee status or terminating it.” If raping a French child does not “legally justify” the refusal of refugee status, one wonders what would justify it?  

As Elon Musk stated in response to the news: “Wow.” Ayaan Hirsi Ali also pointed out that the judge was clearly not considering all of the facts: “Insane, indeed. But how can it be true when Algeria sent a man to compete with a woman in boxing during the last Olympics in Paris? The judge is gullible.” 

It doesn’t matter at this point, of course. A convicted migrant rapist has used our own insanity and civilizational decadence to game the system – and he won.  

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