“Transgender” Bachelorette star admits he faked transition to expose gender ideology (& other stories)

A roundup of news and commentary from around the interwebs.


A good point from Ross Douthat here:


Some good news? From the Iona Institute: “Mini-religious revival among young American men, survey indicates.”


An interesting take from Aaron Renn that explains much about the culture wars: “Is Evangelicalism Really Protestant?


Yet more evidence of “born-alive” abortions in Canada: “Quebec has more late-term born-alive abortions than the rest of Canada.”


The state of California is taking steps to permanently enshrine same-sex “marriage” in case the Supreme Court ever overturns Obergefell v. Hodges. In 2008, the people of California voted to uphold natural marriage; the then-mayor of San Francisco and now-governor Gavin Newsom simply ignored the result and began issuing marriage licenses anyhow. The will of the people is only respected when convenient.


We live in weird, weird times: “‘Transgender’ Bachelorette star Josh Seiter admits his gender transition was a ‘social experiment to expose woke culture.’” Of course, trans activists immediately embraced the obviously male Josh as a woman. As it turns out, he was making fun of them all along. Brett Cooper’s take:


From the Washington Post: “Italy passes anti-surrogacy law that effectively bars gay couples from becoming parents.” I’ve written about this before—even the European Court of Human Rights considers surrogacy a form of human trafficking. But notice the headline here—it isn’t a law that “effectively bars gay couples from becoming parents.” It is nature. This law just bars them from renting women and buying children. The law bans couples from going abroad to procure a woman in which to gestate a child.


More soon.

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