VICTORY: California legislation to bring free abortion pills to campuses is vetoed

By Jonathon Van Maren

I did not expect to read good news coming out of California this week, but here it is:

On Sunday, a group of University of California Berkeley student activists was very close to seeing years of hard work culminate in a huge success for reproductive rights. Instead of finishing the day with a celebration, though, the group’s work fell through when California Gov. Jerry Brown vetoed the medication abortion bill that would have made the procedure available on University of California (UC) campuses across the state. “Because the services required by this bill are widely available off campus, this bill is not necessary,” Brown wrote in a veto message on Sunday.

The students and former students fighting for the bill’s passage — and multiple studies backing their efforts — disagreed with the governor’s position. According to an ANSIRH report, over 500 students a month across all of the UC campuses seek medication abortions.

The RU-486 abortion pill is extremely dangerous for a number of reasons, and the FDA recently reported that 22 women have died as a result of taking this pill since December of 2017. That is in addition to the fact that if successful, the abortion pill kills a child developing in the womb of his or her mother. The fact that this legislation has failed is wonderful news, and women and babies are safer as a result.


For anyone interested, my book on The Culture War, which analyzes the journey our culture has taken from the way it was to the way it is and examines the Sexual Revolution, hook-up culture, the rise of the porn plague, abortion, commodity culture, euthanasia, and the gay rights movement, is available for sale here.

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