Prince Harry endorses controversial transgender group that pushes transition for children

By Jonathon Van Maren

Nowhere has the transgender ideology taken root more swiftly and more firmly than the United Kingdom. Rates of children identifying as transgender are up by 4,000%, triggering a government investigation into why these numbers are spiking so dramatically. Ordinary Brits expressing the belief that biological males and biological females cannot become the opposite sex are actually getting visits from the police and, in some cases, have even been arrested for expressing those views. Police officers are even getting trained by transgender activists in order to better police the “thinking” of British citizens (and no, I’m not making that up).

And now, the United Kingdom’s most prominent transgender lobby group, which bills itself as a “charity” for “gender variant and transgender children,” has attracted the attention of a very high-profile sponsor: Prince Harry. Mermaids — the organization is named for the mythical half-human, half-fish creatures who are sexless from the waist down — has “thrown his weight behind the cause of transgender children” with the announcement that the Royal Foundation will be working with the charity, according to the Daily Mail. The Royal Foundation functions as the “primary philanthropic and charitable vehicle” for the Duke of Sussex, his wife Meghan Markle, and the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, who have not yet commented on the announcement.


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