Couple heartbroken after surrogate aborts their biological child, Canada’s churches (and other stories)

A roundup of news from around the interwebs.


For anyone interested in the ongoing upheaval in France—this is a long but good overview of why a group of generals and military officials recently stated that the social fabric of the nation was falling apart.


Tim Challies posted my review of historian Niall Ferguson’s Doom: The Politics of Catastrophe in The American Conservative. For anyone wanting to understand the current crisis in historical context, this book is very much worth the read.


There’s been plenty of attention paid to the binge of statue-smashing across the United States and the United Kingdom last year, but in the meantime Spain’s socialist government has passed truly Orwellian legislation re-writing history to favor their ideological compatriots. First Things has a long-form essay explaining how they’re doing it.


If you’re a parent, you should take a minute to read this—“The Most Dangerous Apps of 2021.” Especially now, when your kids are in front of screens for such a significant portion of the day.


True North has published a decent summary of the various pastors facing charges over violation of pandemic health restrictions.


On that subject, Raymond de Souza writes in the National Post that the COVID-19 pandemic could hasten the decline of Christianity. As I noted in Convivium Magazine, Christians are already a miniscule minority in Canada; de Souza believes that trend may worsen.


In another chilling example of why commodity culture is so poisonous, Live Action has an awful story titled “Couple heartbroken after surrogate aborts their biological child.”


More soon.

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