The NFL announces that “football is gay, transgender” (and other stories)

A roundup of news and commentary from around the interwebs.


Regular readers of this blog will know that I am a fan of what the Hungarian government is attempting with their pro-life and pro-family policies. Viktor Orbán has been one of the key defenders of Christianity in Europe. This all comes, however, with one proviso—his strange kowtowing to China, which Mario Portella lays out in Crisis Magazine.


C-Fam reports on the increasing pressure on Jamaican lawmakers to legalize abortion, and how pro-lifers are pushing back.


George Soros and other progressive groups are attempting to have Christian groups blacklisted at the EU. From the Catholic News Agency:

The European Parliamentary Forum for Sexual and Reproductive Rights (EPF) a group of European parliamentarians committed to compelling the recognition of abortion as a “human right” world-wide, is preparing a major political coup aimed at discrediting reputable Christian and human rights organizations which the group describes as “religious extremists” allegedly committed “to roll back human rights in sexuality and reproduction.”

Last week, EPF presented an “investigative report” called “Tip of the Iceberg: Religious Extremist Funders against Human Rights for Sexuality and Reproductive Health in Europe 2009 – 2018,” with the intention to influence a vote that would openly denounce pro-life organizations in the European Parliament. The EP vote is scheduled to take place in Brussels, at the EU headquarters, on Thursday, June 24th.

The document, signed by Neil Datta, Secretary of the EPF, claims to be an exposé of “54 anti-gender funding actors active in Europe as well as the main channels through which the religious extremists generate funding and how it circulates.”

Read the whole thing. Basically, any group that holds to the traditional definition of life, family, and gender will be ostracized.


Oh, and then there’s this video the NFL posted to Twitter on Monday, in which they declared that “Football is gay,” following that with “lesbian,” “beautiful,” “queer,” and “transgender.” This is part of the NFL’s trend towards an overtly political organization. The tweet also assured Americans that “The NFL stands by the LGBTQ+ community today and every day.”


Chris Elston, a relentless campaigner against the transgender medicalization of childhood, has posted another tragic story to Twitter on what the trans movement is doing in Canada:

If you’re interested, watch my interview with Chris to see what he’s doing:



More soon.

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