The transgender movement is targeting kids

By Jonathon Van Maren

Almost every week, there are new stories that highlight the lightning speed at which the transgender revolution is taking over nearly every social institution. Entertainment; medicine; media — terms and phrases that nobody had heard of just a few years ago are now presented as the New Truth. Our society is being transitioned, and it is important that we take note of this fact. It should shape the way we raise our families. 

In Australia, the children’s group The Wiggles — which is ubiquitous in kids’ entertainment — has unveiled a number of LGBT characters for kids, including a non-binary unicorn named Shirley Shawn. As Rod Dreher wrote in a column titled “The Wiggles of Weimar,” we ignore this sort of thing at our peril: 

I know what some of you are saying: there he goes again, that right-wing nut, getting bent out of shape over a kid’s show. Sorry, but this is a big deal. They are trying to colonize the minds of preschool age children with this gender-ideology lie, which seeks to destroy the essence of man. It’s disgusting. They really are coming for our children. Do not be fooled. This is culture war at its purest: to conquer the minds of kids so small they don’t even know that they are being indoctrinated. 

He’s precisely right about that, and this madness is overtaking everything. The Canadian Medical Association Journal, for example, also published an article on the transgender issue a couple of days ago — titled “Pregnancy in Transgender Men.” By “transgender men,” of course, they mean biological women identifying as men, and the article notes, among other things, that “Fertility planning for all transgender men, particularly those with a uterus, should be discussed at regular intervals without assumption of type of sexual activity or fertility goals. For patients aiming for pregnancy, clinicians should discuss both medical and psychosocial expectations from preconception to postpartum.” 

Just to recap there — this is a medical journal talking about pregnant men. And we’re all supposed to smile and nod along, just like we are for children’s entertainment pitching gender fluidity to toddlers.  



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