Why Charlie Sheen doesn’t want his daughter to be a porn star

By Jonathon Van Maren

Dr. Gail Dines is one of the fiercest anti-porn activists alive — and a left-wing radical feminist to boot. Her book Pornland: How Porn Has Hijacked Our Sexuality is a devastating look at a truly vile industry, and when she engages her critics on TV panels and in print, she holds nothing back.

I watched her on a TV panel a few years ago, when one unfortunate academic claimed that porn was a perfectly legitimate career. Why then, Dines shot back, do the elites send their kids to Harvard and Yale instead of also presenting them with this “career option”? Why would they do anything to keep their daughters out of the porn shoots that they defend?

The answer, of course, is simple: Because it is quite alright if the daughters of other people endure gang bangs, sexual violence, and degradation for the entertainment of the pornified masses. When it comes to their own children, however, those who enjoy the perverse pleasure of buying and selling girls suddenly rediscover their puritanism.

I thought of this when I spotted a recent news article about Charlie Sheen. Sheen, you may remember, had a very public run with drug use and young porn stars.

One young girl, who later left the industry after her mind snapped under the strain, confessed to aborting a baby that was likely Sheen’s after one of these binges; partying with porn stars and enormous quantities of drugs and alcohol was Sheen’s modus operandi for several years. (Sheen isn’t the only one, incidentally—former porn actresses have told me that many Hollywood stars take porn stars to parties with them for obvious reasons. You’d recognize the names they listed.)


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