Trudeau’s pro-LGBT virtue signaling has real consequences for Canadian taxpayers

By Jonathon Van Maren

Justin Trudeau has once again become a punching bag for Fox News host Tucker Carlson – this time over his self-satisfied announcement that he is committing $100 million in taxpayer dollars (those are dollars you worked hard for, if you’re Canadian) to his government’s new “2SLGBTQI+” plan.

You may have noticed that the “LGBT” acronym is an ever-evolving thing, with “2S” or “two-spirit” shuffled to the front of the line to genuflect towards queer indigenous folks, and the plus sign tacked on the end like the spare Athenian altar towards the unknown god – it’s important to cover your bases in the new rainbow religion.

Trudeau, no doubt, is chuffed by negative coverage from the likes of Carlson, but it is more interesting to note that Canadians are starting to get fed up with this stuff, too. It’s not just that inflation is pinching or that nearly everyone has more to worry about, or that it is hilarious to claim that the LGBTetc. community is oppressed in a society that throws a month-long party funded by various arms of government just to celebrate their existence and commits enormous sections of the public school curriculum to inculcating kids into their worldview. It’s that Trudeau is so smug and so out of touch that this comes off as virtue signaling even to those who support the general direction in which he is heading.

Ann Levy of True North noted that the whole thing came off as pretty cynical:

It was no doubt partly an attempt to throw a shiny object into the social media and legacy media-sphere to distract from the government’s bad week during which it was revealed that Laith Marouf – funded by the Heritage ministry to conduct ‘anti-racism’ courses across Canada – was exposed as a virulent antisemite… According to the plan – which is chock full of words that appear to be from the Gender Studies departments of our woke universities – it was developed using a gender-based analysis/intersectional approach.


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