Oppenheimer, Barbie, and other stories

A roundup of news and commentary from around the interwebs.


This is from a Catholic perspective, but I concur. An editorial from Crisis Magazine on the discussions going on about the two biggest movies of the summer, Barbie and Oppenheimer: “A Movie Isn’t Worth Sinning Over.” An excerpt:

Oppenheimer is unacceptable for different reasons; in fact, I’d argue it’s actually sinful to watch. I’m a huge fan of Christopher Nolan, the director of this historical piece on the development of the atomic bomb. When the movie was first announced, I planned to see it. However, I found out this weekend that the movie contains sexual scenes that contain nudity. Another no-brainer: no Catholic should watch Oppenheimer. This take is surprisingly controversial among Catholics. Over the years I’ve been surprised to see how often Catholics, even ones who promote orthodoxy (including orthodox morality), will encourage people to see movies with nude sex scenes. This is baffling, because it’s always a sin to watch such a scene. Always, full stop.

Read the whole thing.


Your weekly Canadian horror story, brought to you by the Trudeau government’s euthanasia regime: “Afghanistan veteran slams Canadian government for euthanasia of veterans.”


Louise Perry, as always, has a unique and dystopian take on the aforementioned stupid film: “Barbie’s world: the normalisation of cosmetic surgery.”


Christopher Rufo has become one of the most influential conservative activists of our time, and his recent essay on how to launch a governmental counter-revolution is well worth your time: “Bring on the Counterrevolution.” Interestingly, he draws inspiration from what many of us would consider an unlikely source: Richard M. Nixon.


Coming soon to Canada, courtesy of Justin Trudeau: “24-year-old Belgian woman approved for euthanasia for mental illness.


I was in Scouts for a couple of years as a boy, and it is depressing to see these once-wholesome institutions cave to gender ideology. Case in point: “Gender Predators of Philmont Scout Ranch.”


From one of the few sane ethicists out there, Margaret Somerville: “The ethics of uterus transplants to ‘transwomen.‘” The fact that such papers even need to be written is wild.


A new study is out from Cambridge University Press highlighting the damage done by Canada’s euthanasia regime: “The realities of Medical Assistance in Dying in Canada.”


More soon.

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