‘Party of death’: Democrats’ convention includes free abortions and vasectomies

In 1972, President Richard M. Nixon accused his Democratic opponent George McGovern of running on a platform of “acid, amnesty, and abortion.”

In 2024, the Democratic Party is owning it.

Kamala Harris, as I’ve noted before, was the first vice-presidential candidate to visit an abortion facility; as First Things reported last week, “Tim Walz supports the right to infanticide.” The media has dubbed this “the abortion election,” and although the Republican Party went out of its way to avoid talking about abortion at the recent GOP convention, it is likely to be a theme this week.

In fact, to celebrate the Harris-Walz ticket, a Planned Parenthood center will be offering free abortions and vasectomies at the DNC. According to the New York Post:

Attendees at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago will have the opportunity to get a free abortion or vasectomy just blocks away from the event — and vasectomy appointments are filling up fast. Planned Parenthood Great Rivers, which serves most of Missouri and part of southern Illinois, is sending a mobile health center to the Windy City’s West Loop to offer reproductive services on Monday and Tuesday. [Chemical] abortions are reportedly available on both days, with vasectomies being exclusively offered Monday, according to The New York Times. Vasectomies are reportedly in high demand and there’s already a waiting list.

According to Colleen McNicholas, chief medical officer of Planned Parenthood Great Rivers: “There are going to be people traveling to Chicago from all over the country.” The Post noted that the “services will be provided ‘on a sliding-fee scale — pay what you can and get the health care you need,’ according to the appointment reservation form, which only requires a name, date of birth and basic contact information.”

The DNC is shaping up to be a full-throated declaration of support for the Sexual Revolution in all its forms. In addition to the free abortions and free vasectomies being offered by Planned Parenthood, the group Americans for Contraception will also be in attendance, and they plan to erect an enormous, 18-foot-tall inflatable IUD, which they have nicknamed “Freeda Womb.” The intent of this weird stunt is to draw attention to their cross-country campaign to get state-level laws protecting access to contraception passed.

According to Planned Parenthood Great Rivers, all of the appointments for abortions have already been filled, and they stated that people should “check back again soon—we will share the interest form again if we have cancellations.” They have begun a waiting list. Lila Rose of Live Action gave a one-word response to the announcement: “Disgusting.” Kristian Hawkins of Students for Life of America noted that it was yet more evidence that the Democrats are the “Party of Death.” Juliana Frieman of The Daily Caller summarized it most succinctly: “Kamala’s abortion bus.” Harris, after all, went to an abortion center while on the campaign trail; now, an abortion center is coming to her as she touts her candidacy to the nation.

This time, the Democrats aren’t pretending that they see the murder of unborn children as a “necessary evil.” They’re hailing it as a fundamental “freedom” necessary to the American way of life.

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