Kamala Harris, abortion evangelist

Kamala Harris has few policies and few political passions. But when it comes to abortion, she shines. The subject clearly animates her – when she speaks about feticide, she lights up, she grows assertive, and her nervousness disappears. During her speeches, at the presidential debate against former President Donald Trump, and in her campaign ads, Harris makes it abundantly clear her platform rests on the corpses of America’s unwanted unborn. The Harris campaign has released three TV ads on abortion this week alone.  

Harris reminds me of a female “pastor” who recently went viral for preaching the demonic gospel of abortion while wearing a Planned Parenthood stole. Rebecca Todd Peters has had two abortions for which she felt “no guilt,” and inverted the Sermon on the Mount for her congregation: “If Jesus were giving His sermon today, He might say, Blessed are those who end pregnancies, for they will be known for their loving kindness.” 

Peters advocates celebrating child sacrifice as an objective good rather than a necessary evil, and does so in the most blasphemous way possible. 

Harris, however, has a similar story. “I come from a long line of tough, trailblazing, and phenomenal women,” she told one audience recently. “My grandmother would go into villages in India, because she was Indian, and lived in India, and she would go to the villages, it was a famous story in our family – my grandfather would say she was going to be the end of his career – but my grandfather would go into the villages with a bullhorn, talking with the women about the need to have access to reproductive health care.” 

For Harris, apparently, abortion advocacy is an intergenerational family legacy, passed down from mother to daughter. In her telling, her grandmother was an abortion evangelist, going from village to village to share the news that their children could be killed in the womb. 

In India, incidentally, there are a staggering 6.4 million abortions every year, and an estimated 6.8 million fewer baby girls will be born by 2030 due to sex-selective abortion, which is used to weed out unwanted females. Harris is thus carrying on her grandmother’s bloody legacy here in the United States and, if she has her way, as the leader of the free world. 

As Catholic philosopher Ed Feser observed: 

This is the woman the so-called Catholic Joe Biden characterizes as having ‘the moral compass of a saint.’ In reality, Harris is the antithesis of St. Mother Teresa of Calcutta, who truly loved India and rightly characterized abortion as the greatest destroyer of peace.

Indeed, this month the Harris campaign has kicked off a 50-stop “reproductive freedom” bus tour across a series of battleground states to emphasize that a vote for Kamala Harris and Tim Walz is a vote for abortion whenever you want, through all nine months of pregnancy. 

It is telling that in the September 10 presidential debate, Harris refused to respond to Donald Trump’s demand that she state her position on late-term abortion – because she believes in not only late-term abortion, but in permitting babies born alive after surviving an abortion attempt to be left to die. So does her running mate, Tim Walz. 

Harris’ closing argument at the debate included a Cruella de Vil-like pitch for abortion on demand. Together with Walz, the duo makes up the most radical abortion ticket in the history of the United States. They are not average, pro-choice Democrats. They are all in. They have never met an abortion they didn’t like. They are actually passionate about feticide. If elected, they will be a truly disturbing force for evil unlike anything America has ever seen. 

One thought on “Kamala Harris, abortion evangelist

  1. Navi says:

    It’s hard to know which parts of Kamala’s backstory are actually true (see: McDonald’s, middle-class, segregated bussing, Kwanza…). Post-Dobbs, she did her best impression of a woman with post-abortion syndrome but just came across as inauthentic and weird.

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