Kids are scared of drag queens (& other stories)

A roundup of news and commentary from around the interwebs!


Fantastic news out of the UK: the government’s emergency ban on puberty blockers has been upheld by the High Court after a transgender activist group launched a legal challenge to the ban. This is once again an affirmation of a growing consensus—one that has not yet dented the dangerous advocacy of progressive politicians elsewhere in the anglosphere—that sex change “treatments” for minors are incredibly dangerous and cause irreversible and life-altering damage.


This video highlights just how inappropriate “drag queen story hour” is—and how disturbing it is that this attempt to queer childhood is so accepted:

Let kids be kids. I will die on this hill.


I’m late on this story, but in case any of you haven’t seen it yet: “Jordan Peterson to attend remedial coaching program after Canada’s top court nixes appeal.” Peterson is being forced to essentially do re-education training in order to retain his license to practice due to his politically incorrect social media posts. Welcome to Trudeau’s Canada.


From the Huffington Post: “Florida Is Waging An All-Out War On Its Abortion Clinics.” Essentially, this report bemoans the fact that clinics are turning people away due to Florida’s 6-week ban. What that means is that lives are being saved—and that even if the referendum in November produces a pro-abortion result, many clinics will be permanently closed in the meantime.


This column by Jason D. Hill is a mauling glimpse into how sexual brokenness drives so much of our culture: “No, I Wasn’t Born This Way.”


More soon.

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