Trudeau commits $3.5 million to abortion industry (and other stories)

A roundup of news and commentary from around the interwebs.


Alberta Premier Jason Kenney resigned after winning a leadership review by a narrow margin. Plenty of people piqued by Kenney’s response to Covid—an attempt to thread the needle between those who wanted no restrictions whatsoever and those who wanted lockdowns—are going to realize in the coming days that regardless of what you think of Kenney’s mistakes, the alternatives to his leadership are pretty terrible. Social conservatives who spent the last few years attacking him constantly are going to realize that the next leader/premier is very unlikely to be pro-life, and very unlikely to hold the socially conservative views that informed Kenney’s approach to files like education. Instead, we’re likely to get a UCP leader who is far less conservative—and an NDP government come next election. I think Sean Speer’s “Lament for Conservatism” over at The Hub summarizes it perfectly. Do give it a read.


At National Review, Ed Whelan has a rundown of the “abortion shenanigans” in Michigan, where Governor Gretchen Whitmer and the abortion industry are attempting to nullify the state’s pre-Roe abortion ban—which could come back into effect if Roe falls next month.


Also at NRO, Alexandra DeSanctis tackles “The Myth about Pro-Life Laws and Miscarriage Treatment.” With all of the deceits flying around, it is worth the read.


Elon Musk’s Tesla is one of the companies that is paying for their female staff to get abortions out of state should they want one—especially since Texas passed their six-week ban. It’s worth remembering that Musk may be a free speech absolutist, but he’s not a fellow traveler on the most essential issues.


A Democrat witness testified this week that men can get pregnant and have abortions. This is what these people actually believe.


I’ll admit that I never expected to see this headline at the CBC: “I’m a pastor who has counselled against abortion. My family knows first-hand how hard that decision is.”


Meanwhile, Trudeau’s Liberals are again pledging to give millions of dollars to “improve abortion access”—because in their world, there are never enough abortions. Trudeau’s Families Minister also stated that American women seeking abortions after Roe falls can come to Canada to get them.


More soon.

One thought on “Trudeau commits $3.5 million to abortion industry (and other stories)

  1. Navi says:

    If the state government can mandate that employers pay their employees a certain wage, cap the number of hours worked, or ban abortion coverage in employee insurance packages then they can also prevent companies from including abortion tourism as one of their employee perks. Pro-life states should make this a priority, coupling it with paid maternity leave.

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