By Jonathon Van Maren
June 5, 2018 (LifeSiteNews) – A few of you might remember a horrific case in the United Kingdom a few years ago, where a Family Court judge ordered what amounted to a medical rape, sending a “mentally incompetent” teenage girl to get an abortion against her will. The girl was firmly opposed to the abortion. Experts in the trial testified that an abortion would “cause considerable harm to this young girl.” But, the judge responded that because he felt she should have an abortion, it was better to leave “to one side her own wishes and feelings” and conclude—as he did—that “it would be in her best interests to have a termination.” At his orders, the poor girl was sent off for an abortion that she desperately did not want and that even the experts testified would deeply hurt her.
That judge’s name is Sir James Munby, and he is now in the news again. This time, according to the Daily Mail, he is now “Britain’s most senior family judge” and, with that in mind, he has a message for Britons: “The collapse of the nuclear family should be welcomed and applauded.” Families, Munby said, are now impossible to define, which is why he is calling for an overhaul to Britain’s marriage laws, including the introduction of “fault-free divorces,” because it is apparently not easy enough to obtain a divorce as it is. He has already successfully campaigned for the government to change surrogacy laws to allow single people as well as couples to access surrogacy, so he’s proven quite an effective lobbyist for his dystopia of broken families.
In a speech at Liverpool University, he began to wax eloquent, noting that the modern family took “an infinite variety of forms”: “People live together as couples, married or not, and with partners who may not always be of the other sex. Children live in households where their parents are married or unmarried. They may be brought up by a single parent, by two parents or even by three parents. Their parents may not or may not be their natural parents…They may be the children of polygamous marriages. Their siblings may be only half-siblings or step-siblings. Some children are brought up by two parents of the same sex. Some children are conceived by artificial donor insemination.”