Most children who experience gender dysphoria eventually grow out of it. Shiloh Pitt is one example.

By Jonathon Van Maren

As journalists and activists continue to expose the long-term effects of mutilating and drugging children in the name of “gender transitioning,” trans activists in the medical community are desperately trying to silence them.

The American Academy of Pediatrics, the American Medical Association, and the Children’s Hospital Association sent a letter to the Biden Administration, calling on the attorney general to “take swift action to investigate and prosecute all organizations, individuals, and entities responsible.” In short, they want those who are highlighting their actions to be arrested and prosecuted because of the public backlash that has accompanied this reportage.

Interestingly, these radicalized American organizations – the best examples of the total institutional capture accomplished by the trans movement – are wildly out of step with the growing number of medical organizations stepping away from so-called “transitions” for minors, especially in Europe (I wrote an entire report for The European Conservative earlier this year on the growing backlash amongst experts to the practice of “sex changes” for children.) In fact, these once-prestigious medical organizations would presumably wish to silence the criticisms of their medical colleagues in other nations, especially as the barbarism perpetrated against children in American hospitals faces increasing scrutiny.

Interestingly, there have been a number of high-profile stories recently that illustrate how dangerous these practices are. Thirteen studies confirm that 80 percent of children who experience some form of gender dysphoria will eventually identify with their biological sex if left alone, making it incredibly dangerous to subject gender-confused children to surgeries and drugs that leave them permanently damaged. In a recent interview, Holly Branson, the daughter of billionaire British entrepreneur Richard Branson, revealed that she lived as a boy from the age of four until she was nearly eleven years old.


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