LGBT activists cancel Mother’s Day because they support intentionally motherless families

By Jonathon Van Maren

We were told, when same-sex “marriage” was legalized, that it would change nothing. We are being told the same thing about the transgender agenda now. The reality, as we are seeing almost daily, is quite different. We have babies being raised “genderless.” We have families where every single child claims to be “queer.” And we have a relentless effort to eliminate all gender distinctions entirely and insist that gender fluidity has replaced the gender binary. 

As an LSN report highlighted last week, progressives are successfully pushing for gender-neutrality across the board. Women in particular are being erased and replaced with terms and phrases such as “menstruator” and “pregnant person” and even—I’m not making this up—“bleeders,” among many others. Transgender inclusivity generally means transgender exclusivity. 

A recent fracas in Toronto highlighted this fact. A public high school put up a Mother’s Day sign created by children in Grade 6 in honor of their mothers reading: “Life does not come with a manual. It comes with a mom.” 

Predictably, this incurred outrage on social media. According to CP24, the sign was dubbed “inappropriate” and “mega exclusionary” and in “bad taste”—and more. Even more predictably, the Kew Beach Junior Public School promptly took the sign down after people began calling and emailing the school. 

Kew Beach Junior Public School Mother’s Day sign

According to the Toronto District School Board spokesperson Shari Schwartz-Maltz: “Grade 6 students at Kew Beach came up with the first quote collectively as they prepare for Mother’s Day this weekend, to share how much they care for and depend on their moms. Upon feedback, the school recognized that this quote does not reflect the inclusivity of our community, and took immediate steps to address the issue. The sign has now been updated with a new message of an encouraging acronym for May…” 


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