Here are 23 essential reasons you need to stay away from porn during the coronavirus pandemic

By Jonathon Van Maren

As self-isolation and quarantines continue in the face of the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, the repulsive flesh-peddlers at PornHub are attempting to lure in new customers by offering free porn subscriptions in some countries—and even people who have beaten their addiction are facing temptation in the face of boredom and stress. Pornography, as I’ve written many times, is poison, and it destroys our souls, our minds, our relationships, our families, and everything we hold dear. For those tempted to look at porn for the first time or to watch porn again, here are just a few incredibly important reasons to stand fast and prayerfully seek to purge this poison from your life or flee from the temptation where it arises:

  1. If you’re watching porn, you’re contributing to sex trafficking, rape, and the abuse of minors.
  2. Pornography is mainstreaming sexual violence, leading almost a quarter of adult American women to say they feel fear during sex because of porn-inspired violence like choking.
  3. Porn is literally grooming men to become sexual predators.
  4. Porn is normalizing sexual violence within the romantic context.
  5. Young girls are actually sustaining life-changing injuries due to boys copying acts they see in porn.
  6. One study indicates that porn makes boys two to three times more likely to perpetrate sexual violence against girls.
  7. Porn has led to a massive spike in children sexually assaulting other children.
  8. The stories girls tell about what it is like to grow up in a pornified culture are heartbreaking.
  9. As girls increasingly watch porn as well, it is grooming them to become victims of violence.
  10. Pornography transforms the way your brain works in ways you probably don’t realize.
  11. Pornography is incredibly addictive (even Kanye West admitted to struggling with it for 37 years.)
  12. Pornography destroys our ability to have meaningful relationships, and makes us profoundly miserable. It even destroys masculinity itself.
  13. Porn destroys marriages—and could more than double your chances of divorce.
  14. Studies are increasingly showing us that porn functions like a drug.
  15. Our culture’s annual porn consumption produces as much carbon emissions as the nation of Belgium: Porn poisons the mind, the soul, and the planet.
  16. Porn actresses are abused, degraded, and put through horrifying violence for the entertainment of porn users—who are conditioning themselves to be aroused to the pain of others. The testimonies of those who have left the industry are heartbreaking.
  17. The porn industry peddles vile racial stereotypes and propagates racism (specializing in videos of black people being raped by “slave owner” white men and other repulsive genres.)
  18. The original feminists and left-wing icons such as Noam Chomsky all opposed the porn industry based on the fact that it was exploitative and promoted the degradation of all involved.
  19. Nepal actually decided to ban porn after a 300% increase in rapes.
  20. The porn industry targets children to hook them young.
  21. Pornography fuels child abuse.
  22. Porn has fueled a sexting crisis.
  23. Porn is demonic. Consider this: Instead of the husband sacrificing himself for the wife, a reflection of the Gospel story, we have millions of men across North America actively arousing themselves with scenes of physical destruction that reduce many of the women and girls on the screen to human rubble. Sacrificing the bodies of others for our own pleasure, we display our utter contempt for the Gospel message.

For parents who find themselves at home with their kids, here is a great instructional on how to have conversations about porn with your children and how to begin porn-proofing your home:

4 thoughts on “Here are 23 essential reasons you need to stay away from porn during the coronavirus pandemic

  1. jeff says:

    If all that evil is insufficient – Just remember: Porn is a mortal sin in a time when confession is not readily available – death from covid in mortal sin is to die twice – it’s not worth it.

    • John Matheson says:

      Confession is available to those of us who do not have to confess before a religious official who calls himself “Father”. The Penitential Rite can be done during Morning Prayers. We confess to God because God cannot blackmail us. We receive absolution even during a remote service.

  2. April says:

    The article forgot to mention the lure on porn sites to hit on a younger age group. Titles like “teen” or “virgin” or “innocent” are placed to get men to look at younger and younger women. This in turn will tempt men into child porn eventually and push them towards a slippery slope. I doubt that many of these women are 18+ with the child trafficking going on.

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