Another Canadian who can’t afford treatment approved for euthanasia (and other stories)

A roundup of news and commentary from around the interwebs.



For those of you interested in learning more about Italy’s soon-to-be prime minister Giorgia Meloni—whom the media is, predictably, already calling “far-right” (everybody) or “fascist” (The Atlantic), here’s her speech—in English—at the National Conservatism conference in Rome awhile back. And here, for the record, is my earlier essay at TEC on why those defending civilizational norms are so often accused by progressives of subverting them.


Over at The American Conservative, Declan Leary explains why the sexual revolution is eating its own—and why that was always an inevitability.


This story is a canary in the Canadian coalmine—keep an eye on where it goes: “Disciplinary hearing begins against Canadian nurse accused of ‘discriminatory’ comments on transgenderism.”


Another major conservative publication moves towards the pro-family economics side of the spectrum: National Review’s statement from 12 scholars, writers, and legal experts is worth the read: “Our Politics Needs a Pro-Family Policy Agenda.”


Canada’s shame continues: “Ontario man approved for euthanasia (MAiD) can’t get needed medical treatment.”


Nothing reveals how much the sexual revolution has poisoned our minds as the resolute refusal to recognize the traditional family structure as the best for children. Watch this discussion:


As churches split over the sexual revolution, denominations are duking it out over property. Albertos Polizogopolous has an analysis of what is coming in Reformed Perspective.


More soon.

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